Gold and Silver Shine Bright as Economic Crises Loom


Whenever an economic crisis hits an economy, there is often a rush to safe-haven assets such as gold and silver. This is because these precious metals have been proven to offer a store of value during uncertain times when traditional currencies may be weakening. In this article, we will explore the role of gold and silver during an economic crisis, their long-term value as investments, and the practicality of owning these metals during a time of economic turmoil.

History of Gold and Silver as a Store of Value

Gold and silver have been used as a store of value for centuries, and their use as currency dates back at least 2500 years. The earliest forms of currency were made from precious metals, and this continued through the Roman Empire, medieval times, and into the modern era. During times of economic turmoil, individuals and governments have consistently turned to gold and silver as a safe haven asset and hedge against uncertainty.

In the 1970s, following the oil crisis and economic recession, gold soared in value from $35 per ounce to over $850 per ounce. Similarly, during the financial crisis of 2008-2009, gold saw a significant increase in value as investors and central banks sought a safe haven investment. Gold prices rose from just over $700 per ounce in 2008 to over $1800 per ounce in 2011.

Silver has also had a long history as a store of value and currency. It has been used for thousands of years primarily in jewelry and other decorative items, but also as a form of currency. During the Roman Empire, silver was used extensively for coinage, and it was also used in the United States for currency until the early 1960s. In the 1970s, following the oil crisis and economic recessions, silver saw a surge in price from around $1 per ounce to over $50 per ounce.

The Role of Gold and Silver during Economic Crises

During an economic crisis, both gold and silver play a critical role as a safe haven investment. When traditional currencies lose value, gold and silver have historically retained their value, making them an attractive alternative. This is because precious metals are not linked to a particular country’s currency, unlike bonds, stocks, or currencies, making them more stable and resistant to currency fluctuations.

Moreover, precious metals offer protection against inflation, which often surges during economic crises. If a country’s currency devalues and prices for goods and services increase, the purchasing power of an individual’s savings is reduced. Gold and silver, however, have proven time and again that they are an effective hedge against inflation. While the price of gold and silver can fluctuate during normal market conditions, their value tends to stay relatively stable during periods of high inflation.

In addition to their value as a hedge against inflation, gold and silver are also relatively liquid assets, meaning that they can be quickly sold and converted to cash if needed. Gold and silver markets are global, and they operate 24 hours a day, making it easy for investors to buy and sell these precious metals at any time.

Is Investing in Gold and Silver Long-term Practical?

Investing in gold and silver has become more accessible than ever before, with various investment methods available, from buying physical bullion to investing in ETFs or shares of mining companies. The question then becomes, is investing in gold and silver practical for the long-term?

When considering any investment, it’s important to understand the risks involved. Gold and silver prices can fluctuate significantly due to various factors such as inflation, supply and demand, and geopolitical events. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, gold prices surged to record highs, but as vaccines rolled out, the price decreased. Therefore, investing in gold and silver long-term can be volatile, and investors should be aware of this.

Another risk to consider is storage and insurance. Physical gold and silver require secure storage which could present additional costs such as insurance, safety deposit boxes, or vaults. Unless held in secure facilities, gold and silver risks being lost or stolen. Furthermore, there are often premiums associated with buying physical gold and silver, and selling these assets may carry additional fees.

When deciding to invest in gold and silver, it’s essential to consider other investment options such as stocks, bonds, or real estate, which may offer greater long-term returns. Furthermore, diversification is always important when investing, and it’s recommended not to put all investment eggs in one basket. In conclusion, investing in gold and silver is an effective means of protecting the value of one’s savings during times of economic crisis, but it is essential to consider the risks and research other investments in relation to gold and silver.

Practicality of Owning Gold and Silver During Times of Economic Crisis

During an economic crisis, owning physical gold and silver can offer peace of mind by providing an alternative store of value. However, before making any purchases of precious metals, it’s essential to consider various factors such as storage, insurance, and practicality.

Physical gold and silver require secure storage, and it’s recommended that they are stored in secure facility such as safe deposit boxes or vaults. This can present additional costs such as rent, insurance or security guard services, which can ultimately impact the practicality of owning physical metals.

Another factor to consider is the availability of physical metals during times of crisis. During the COVID-19 pandemic, physical bullion experienced shortages due to supply chain disruptions, mines shutting down, and mints suspending production. Therefore, it’s important to ensure that any purchased metals can be physically acquired, and a reliable and secure vendor is utilized.

When considering the practicality of owning gold and silver during times of crisis, it’s essential to consider the weight, divisibility, and purity of the purchased metals. Gold and silver coins come in various sizes, ranging from 1 gram to 1 kilogram, and so on. Metals should be purchased in sizes that are practical, based on personal needs, with awareness of the premium attached per weight. In terms of purity, most bullion coins have a purity of at least 99.9%, while collectible or historic coins could bring additional value.


In conclusion, gold and silver play a crucial role in protecting an individual’s finances during times of economic uncertainty. These precious metals offer a store of value, protection against inflation, and liquidity, making them attractive to investors during economic recessions or other crises. However, investing in gold and silver comes with various risks, practical considerations, and should be used as part of a diversified investment strategy. Furthermore, it’s essential to know the available investment options, the current market conditions, and research reputable vendors before making any investment decisions.