Navigating the Complex World of Precious Metal IRA Rules: What You Need to Know


Investing in precious metals is a popular way to diversify one’s investment portfolio. One way to invest in precious metals is through a precious metal IRA. An IRA or Individual Retirement Account is an investment account that allows individuals to save for their retirement. Unlike traditional IRAs, precious metal IRAs allow investors to invest in physical commodities like gold, silver, platinum, and palladium.

There are specific rules that govern precious metal IRAs to ensure that the investment is done correctly and the investor is protected. In this article, we will discuss the rules that govern precious metal IRAs.

How Precious Metal IRAs Work

A precious metal IRA works similarly to a traditional IRA. The investor can make contributions to the account, and the funds are then invested in precious metals. The metals are stored in a secure vault on behalf of the investor. When the investor reaches retirement age, they can withdraw the funds or sell the metals.

There are two types of precious metal IRAs: traditional and Roth. The main difference between the two is when taxes are paid on the contributions. In a traditional IRA, taxes are not paid until the funds are withdrawn. In a Roth IRA, taxes are paid on the contributions, and the withdrawals are tax-free.

Rules Governing Precious Metal IRAs

Like any investment, there are rules that govern precious metal IRAs. The rules aim to protect the investors and ensure that the investment is done correctly.

1. Eligible Metals

The IRS has specific rules about the precious metals that can be included in a precious metal IRA. The metals that are eligible include:

- Gold coins and bars that are at least 99.5% pure
- Silver coins and bars that are at least 99.9% pure
- Platinum coins and bars that are at least 99.95% pure
- Palladium coins and bars that are at least 99.95% pure

The coins must be issued by a government mint or a commodity exchange, and the bars must be produced by a recognized refinery.

2. Custodians

It’s essential to choose a reputable custodian to hold the precious metals in a precious metal IRA. The custodian is responsible for storing the metals in a secure vault and ensuring that they are accounted for. The IRS requires that a custodian must hold the metals on behalf of the investor. This means that the investor cannot store the metals themselves.

3. Prohibited Transactions

The IRS also prohibits certain transactions with precious metals in a precious metal IRA. These include:

- Using the metals for personal use or pleasure
- Selling the metals to a disqualified person
- Lending the metals to a disqualified person
- Using the metals as collateral for a loan

Disqualified persons include the investor and their family members, the custodian, and any business entities in which the investor own 50% or more.

4. Distribution Requirements

The IRS requires that investors start taking distributions from their precious metal IRA at age 72. The distributions are based on the value of the account and the life expectancy of the investor. If the investor doesn’t take the required distributions, they will face penalties.

5. Reporting Requirements

The IRS also requires that investors report the value of their precious metal IRA on their tax returns. The value is determined based on the market value of the metals on a specific date. The IRS also requires that the custodian reports the value of the metals annually.

Benefits of Precious Metal IRA

Investing in a precious metal IRA has several benefits:

1. Diversification

Investing in precious metals can help diversify an investment portfolio. Precious metals tend to move in the opposite direction of other investments like stocks and bonds. This means that when stocks are performing poorly, precious metals tend to perform well.

2. Inflation Hedge

Precious metals tend to hold their value during times of inflation. This means that they can be used to hedge against inflation in an investment portfolio.

3. Security

Investing in precious metals can provide a sense of security to investors. Unlike stocks and bonds, which are paper assets, precious metals are tangible assets. This means that they are not subject to the same market fluctuations as paper assets.


Investing in precious metals through a precious metal IRA is a popular way to diversify an investment portfolio. However, it’s essential to understand the rules that govern precious metal IRAs to ensure that the investment is done correctly. The rules aim to protect investors and ensure that the investment is done responsibly. Investing in a precious metal IRA has several benefits, including diversification, inflation hedge, and security. As with any investment, it’s crucial to do the proper research and consult with a financial professional before making any investment decisions.